On Biophilic Environments.

The successful application of biophilic design fundamentally depends on adopting a new consciousness toward nature, recognizing how much our physical and mental wellbeing continues to rely on the quality of our connections to the world beyond ourselves of which we still remain a part.
What Is and Is Not Biophilic Design? by Stephen R. Kellert

This is a good resource to see it's biological benefits.
Design Considerations : 14 patterns of Biophilic Design


Biomimicry is defined in the book as a "new science that studies nature's models and then imitates or takes inspiration from these designs and processes to solve human problems". Benyus suggests looking to Nature as a "Model, Measure, and Mentor" and emphasizes sustainability as an objective of biomimicry.

Technobiophilia and Biophilic Design

We have programmed technology to adapt natures design, solving problems more than efficiently but impelementing conastant sustainable growth. Calm Computing, Persuasive Technology, Positive Computing are technobiophilic by-products, aside from physical adaptations but corresponding packaging of persuasive elements.
Human-Computer Interaction by Masaaki Kurosu

Techbobiophilic Creature


Aside from physiological features of nature that affect human biology through everyday visual interaction, identifying metaphoric similarities in structures can help keep engagement and culture elevated. Applying this to anything that evolves and takes on it's own lifecycle. Setting up environments to cultivate growth with an underlying cadence and heartbeat.

Though physical biophilic workplace architecture may have a long build time and expensive to create, in essence of productivity, encapsulating main concpets in design through biomimicing is a combiniation of ideas intended to maintain constant growth.

Scaled Agile Framework Current Biophilic Implementations

Biophilic Environments for ARTs and Runway Architechture

The technology driving ecosystem is The Agile Release Train are the main elements released on the runway. The path can have multiple layers of ARTs if the surrounding organizations are well landscaped. In full coordination to each flag or segment in release path. The release path is measured, and the main metric's goal is for synchorizing all components.

A well structured landscape allows complete access and transparency of available resources. Agile Release Trains or Multiple ARTs in a value stream can be great for layered insights and multiple post processed assets in the asset bank.

Value Streams and ARTs Value Stream Anatomy
setting up a biophile

A Utopia of Biophilic Design Philosophy
at the Core of Lean and Agile Lifecycles

Landscaping for Bioagility

Well Landscaped Environments allow enough alloted space for each environment to test out their own feedback loops as well as designing compactable objectives.

Landscaping with each microcosmos in mind, with complete transparency to the heartbeat produced by the "mindfulness metronome".

A Biophilic Adaptation of Lean and Agile Lifecycles in Full

About Author

The Biophilic Design for Products is meant to be an idealistic product creation environment for cultivating collective development. It emphasizes that organizations within the whole product each need their own specialized environment, but in rythym to the entire operation.

Merging two proven concpets with the observable patterns to engage everyone with design.

Research and documentation for this concept is provided under each paragraph, brought to life be the amazing artistry of Zuco which is available for download in the AdobeCreativeCloud universe.

Put together by Maximo Ayon Nakpil
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