Science of Information
- 8 minsA brief explanation on how my curiosity lead me here.
I needed a recap on math to get sharp at data structures and algorithms, math visualization offered plenty aha moments, found difficulty keeping focused on statistics. I found a treasure trove of wonder in an Information science course, that had a lot of answers to how we measure the transfer of knowledge and the mechanics of communication.
Here are some notes so far…
Study from Science of Information Technology: From Language to Black Holes @ Great Courses
How Computing Began
- Babbage and the Differential Analyzer
- Ada Lovelace - 1815-1852 - first computer programmer
- Vannevar Bush 1931 - recreates Babbage’s Differential Analyzer
- Claude Shannon - Builds computer out of logic gates from Boolean Logic.
Logic Gate Symbols from Logic Gates
- from Boolean Logic & Electric Circuits -> 2 light switches 1 | 0
- John Napier - Logarithm Rules LOG2 (base algorithm)
- Natural Log
- Information Entropy vs. Entropy in thermodynamics
- Demon’s Info is form of Entropy (Zurek)
Sorting Demon - trap door to a box with heat in motion.
Hartley - Shannon Entropy
- ENTROPY H - minimum # of bits required to represent the source.
Probability (17th Century)
RULES: | (0 = Impossible; 1 = Certain)
- For Any X :
X, 0 ≤ P(X) ≤ 1
0 - 1 = P(X) - E (sum of all) P(X) = 1
_ E T A O I N S H R D L U (common english letters)
- “Letter Probabilities” 19.3%
- Surprise of a message
- “Pre-fix Free Code Word” - no code word can be the 1st part of any other code word.
- Average Code Word >= Entropy of Information Source
- “HUFFMAN CODE” - Best pre-fix free code
- Information Inequality relates to entropy to the number of bits to represent messages.
- Entropy H(X) of a source (the Average Surprise) equals the main average number of bits necessary to code messages from that source.
- 1970s GZIP (Israel) - First Data Compression - Analyzes Text & Retruns Compressed File.
Images & Sound Encoding = Runline Encoding (through combination of frequencies) -
1990s JPEG, MPEG, PNG - Joint Photographic Experts Group, Moving Pictures Experts Group, Portable Network Graphics.
- 8x8 pixel block via Huffman Code
- Video - 1 Frame = 2,000,000 Pixels - 3 bytes of color per pixel
- 180 Million Bites of info per sec. (US - 30FPS / UK 25FPS)
- Records difference from “P-Frame / Key-frame” - LOSSLESS Compression
Shannon’s Second Fundamental Theorem:
- “Communication Channel” (Input / Output)
- Defeat Noise
- As long as a channel capacity is not exceeded, then you dont have to communicate slower to be rid of errors.
Richard Hamming - “Hamming Distance” (N, K values)
- Distance from one code to another.
ENCODE : Hamming | Channel : 7, 4 | Error Correction : Binary Code | Decode : 1 Bit of Memory (Err Probability 10-14)
1 radiation induced error per year!
Timeline of Computing Technology
- 1725: Weaving Looms
- 1804: Jacquard Loom - Charles Babbage - Jules Carpentier’s Musical Melotrope
- 1890: Herman Hollerith Data Processing - Punch Cards - US census - Tabulating Company (IBM)
- 1954: Fortran IBM - John Backus | “IF / ELSE” - fortran statement
- 8 BITS = 256 different combinations = BYTE
- Binary -> Compiler -> Language - 1955: Grace Hopper (US Admiral) COBOL - Common Business Oriented Language
- named after Blaise Pascal. “good tracking tool” - 1960: ASCII - American Standards Association creates ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
which developed ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange (character to binary) -
1969: Unix, Linux, Macos - Hacker hats (white: good black: bad) - 1973: C Foundation
- 2001: Lockheed Martin - F35 Stealth Fighter Jet
- “M-LOCKS” - 8 million lines of code in C++ - 2014: Swift / OBJ-C
- TODAY = 700 Languages - GE powers turbines and highways
- Robotics - CNC “Computer Numerically Controlled Lathes” (Milling machines)
- Quantum Computing - manipulating state of electrons to process calculations faster.
- System Programming - OS, C++, Assembly language
- Architectural Programming - Frameworks, Java, Microsoft.Net
- Application Programming - PHP, Ruby, Python, Web Browser
- Data Manipulation - My SQL, NoSQL, MongoDB
Timeline of Information Theory
- 1676 Order & Disorder - philosophy of engineering - heat - steam engines - “Napoleonic Wars”
- 1824 “Reflections on the motive power of fire” by Nicholas Carnot
- Hot -> Cold = change in temp = energy
(dies of cholera and papers are burned) - Rudolph Calcius - Laws of thermodynamics
- entropy = irreversible (meanwhile victorian scientists like Ernest Mach reject atomic theory) - 1844- 1906 Ludwig Boltzman - hot atoms move rapidly
- ENTROPY = measures disorder of things
- 1948 Claude Shannon BELL labs - mathematical theory
- bit = atom = 2 states - 1952 Turing - Morphogenisis, Embryo - clumps cells & form skin, self, organization - describes a living process.
- Found the same natural process in chemistry of nature with Boris Belusov’s Human Sugar Consumption. - Bletchley Park WWII codebreaker More on Alan Turing…
- 1960s Newtonian Physics - Precise predictions. Chaos Theory to predict weather - Edward Lorenz (meteorologist)
- 1950s IBM, Benoit, Mandelbrot set, “Thumbprint of God”
- Turings Patterns - Belusov’s Principles - Mandelbrot Fractals
Encode -> Interleave -> Channel -> De-Interleave -> Error Correction -> Decode
Laser Diode scans Polycarbonate Transparent Plastic - Labeled Surface
1/2 Micron wide - Data Layer / "pits"
Dust = Errors - Super Decoder
SCHROEDER - "Perceptual Coding"
- SINEWAVE - spatial frequencies (fourier transform for images)
Image By Cmglee - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0
OUTER CODER Reed Solomon 28,24 -
InterCoder Reed Solomon 32, 28 - Raw Channel
Inner Decoder -
Outer Decoder
Radial errors are easy to correct, CD = corrects 35,000 errors in 1 track
NASA using lossless compression adds Reed-Solomon code
- Voyager - Mission to uranus and neptune - more precise data transactions due to error corrections.
-> Information in a finite number of discrete alternatives
-> Boolean Logic Gates
-> Logic Gates
-> Radio / Sound
-> Differential Engine
-> Continous Variables
-> Time & Velocity
-> Amplitude & Modulation
-> Frequency
Joseph Fourier - Fourier Transform
- Any signal can be regarded as a mixture of simple sinewaves of different frequencies.
Fourier Carrier AM/FM Waves - image from wikipedia | Bandwith- image from wikipedia
Nyquist Shannon Sampling Theorem
- Kerckhoff’s Principle -> lock has 6 tumblr pins - 5-10 mil, 8 possible lengths
- Log2(8) = 3 bits per pin - 6 pins
- Julius Cesar Cipher -
-> Plain Text -> Cipher -> Cipher Text -> Encryption -> Encipherment Msg -> Rule 2 Convert -> Converted Msg -> Transforming 2 plain text (babbage kasiski method)
CRYPTANALYSIS - Frequency Analysis
- TURING’S BOMBE - enigma - Arthur Zimmerman - Linear B (Alice Kobel, Micheal Ventris)
- Shannon - Communication theory of secrecy systems. - Entropy.
- Redundancy (D) D = Hc - Hp - John Hadwick - info gained = # of letters X Bits / Letter
- information basis for cryptanalysis - Speech Encipherment - SIG SALLY system - pulse code modulation - “Calculation Complexity”
- Neumann - Computer & the Brain - Entropy - shannon & neumann
- TURING’S Universal Machine
- Algorithmic Information - k2k(m) - algorithmic entropy -> for any particular string of bits, h= ave(k) (Shannon Entropy)