Created an idealistic design theory to supplement Agile and Lean methodologies. Aims to encapsulate the core values of sustainabilty and growth that resonates in the philosophy of nature. Accompanied by a biophilic ecosystem artboard put together on Adobe Illustrator to help defend idea.

Internet Marketing Footprints
Crafted supplementary Moviegraph for "In The Mood": A Music Recommender App, in close colaboration with engineering team for over-all continuity of product. Created a moving inforgraph with animation elements on Motion5 package. "In the Mood" is a music recommender engine calibrated by user curation. Inspired by how music can bring back lost memories and elevate moods, especially for anyone who suffers from dementia or alzheimers.

Bear Project

Created website for Bear Janitorial.
Helped design company brand and theme including business cards, in collaboration with graphic designer for company branding. Rebranding exisisting sister company as well as maintenance and updates on wordpress website: Canyon Pacific Management

Photo Journalist Project

Template created for photo journalist to showcase awards and collection. Created full-stack application with Ruby on Rails - featuring a jQuery carousel. Implements multiple layout views and variations of image sizes and captions or write-ups. (Template only)

AIDE Project

Ruby on Rails app created with other Full-stack developers with a common purpose. AIDE aims to bridge any gaps that people face when looking for the help they need. By creating a user friendly interface to match patients and loved ones, to specialized and willing caregivers within users vicinity. Championing accesibility as core feature of AIDE, prioritized voice-over readability testing for prototype. Designed branched version with extensive database for future scalability.

Elephants in the Room Project

Solo Project. Ever feel trapped when an elephant is in the room? Addressing the elephants in the room or around the globe by sharing information through articles can at least make the elephant feel smaller. To avoid a biased news bubble, this app tries to gather articles from opposite specturms. Organinzing the articles from the perspective of intersectional change: Communication, Culture and Community.

Nomad Project

Group Project, Ruby on Rails and Javascript. Acting Scrum captian for github repository in a simulated scrum scenario. A travel log for the long expedition. The world is too round for your flat map and moleskin will run out of pages. Nomad is your travel home, no matter where you go.

Emotional Gauge Game Project

Journal designed to help special education teachers engage with students with a developmental need for assistance in integrating to the community. The journal serves as a chart that plots out avg mood for the scholars and parents to guide for further practice at home. Game logic to follow once level objectives have defined game function. Current place holder is a bubble type game for prototype.